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Ambrosia, the nectar of the Gods, coated my tongue and dripped from my lips in sticky droplets that bubbled and evaporated against her heated skin. Olivia’s thick caramel thighs hugged my head in a vice grip. It was unnecessary because I wasn’t going any damn where.

I needed this, needed her. I needed to feel her, taste her, and bury my tongue deep inside her gushing waters. The moment I met her at her sister’s wedding four years ago I knew she wanted me as much as I wanted her. Her heated scent wafted in my nostrils from beneath her bridesmaid’s dress, her breasts swelled in anticipation, and she nervously licked her full lips. I knew then that I had her.

For four years we danced around each other, trying to avoid the inevitable. Now here we were, bodies locked together. We should have been ashamed but we weren’t. We were both taken but I guess it was the taboo of it all that made this comingling so irresistible.

“Ahh…Marshall, go deeper.”

I smiled and slid my tongue in deeper. I had no problem obliging Olivia. Shit, I’d do anything as long as she didn’t take away that juicy fruit from me. She had me whipped and she knew it. For the last eleven months we had been sneaking away together. Stolen moments followed by labored breathing and cum showers made life worth living.

My woman was a nag and her man was never home. Two bored, unfulfilled people thrust together equaled hot and heavy encounters. I loved my woman, Cynthia, but she was too controlling. Every damn time I turned around she was demeaning me and my efforts to be a good husband. The stress of it all was too much at times. There were moments when I really wanted to put my hands on her but the thought of not tasting Olivia again stopped me.

Olivia’s husband, Craig, was always gone. He had a lot of international business and I guess he thought he could make up for his absence with expensive gifts. He thought wrong. Olivia had a sexual appetite that was out of this world. She needed it on a regular basis and her vibrating companion wasn’t enough to satisfy her raging libido. So while Craig was gone making deals and Cynthia was thinking of ways to make my life a living hell we were locked in various hotels around Chicago. We both knew it couldn’t last forever but were willing to enjoy it while it lasted.

I still remember the first time I slipped inside of her as if it were yesterday.

A year ago

Olivia’s parents were hosting a barbeque and I went. I got along well with her family and was invited to every function they held. The July sun was sweltering and I dressed for the weather with white high top sneakers, light blue cotton shorts, dark aviator glasses, and a white tee. The crisp whiteness of my top gleamed against my chocolate skin. My short hair was neatly cut and the natural waves were evident. My beard was freshly lined and drew attention to my full lips.

The moment I stepped inside the backyard the scent of grilling meats and spicy sauces hit me like a ton of bricks. Classic Kanye boomed through the strategically placed speakers, the bass vibrating in my chest. I looked across the yard straight into Olivia’s deep brown eyes. My mouth hitched up on one side until I saw Craig on her arm. Something akin to jealousy boiled in my stomach. I knew it was crazy but I didn’t want him anywhere near her. She was way too beautiful to be with a man like him. She needed to be here with me. If only I had met her first.

While the rest of the women in attendance were dressed in short shorts or tight dresses Olivia stood out in her long brown and light blue maxi dress. That dress emphasized all the curves her lush body held. Five inches shorter than my 6’3” height, Olivia was stacked.

Her abundant breasts pressed against the fabric and it fluttered at her feet with every sway of her thick hips. Her curly hair fell just above her shoulders. It wasn’t as long as other women’s but it was all hers unlike the rest in attendance. I wanted to wrap my fingers in it while nibbling on her full lips and planting kisses on her sharp nose and high cheekbones.

She blessed me with that smile and I felt my heart pick up in my chest. Though she was only twenty-five Olivia had this subtle maturity to her that made me want to latch on to her and be in her world, even if it was just for a little while. I returned her smile and the air between seemed to change. It became charged with the kind of awareness a man has for his woman after being together for a while.

Our eyes continued to hold each other behind our shades before Cynthia stepped in my line of sight. “Nice of you to show up, Marshall.”

I sighed. Here we go, I thought to myself. “Nice seeing you too, Cynthia. How was my day? Oh, it was great. Why was I late? I had an emergency at the office.”

She rolled her grey eyes. “There’s always an emergency with you. You need to let those clients of yours know that you don’t have time to see their fucking animals when you have somewhere else you need to be.”

I rubbed my hands up and down her arms in an attempt to soothe her rising ire. The last thing I wanted was an argument. One thing about Cynthia, she wasn’t above having heated disagreements in front of others. In fact, she thrived on it.

“You don’t get to be one of the top veterinarians in the state by declining patients. I want to be at the top by the time I’m thirty. That’s only two short years away. I know it’s wearing on you but please be patient with me okay,” I said even though I wanted to tell her to fuck off.

She rolled her eyes and walked off in a huff. She should have been appreciative that her man took his work so seriously. Most women would kill for a man that wanted to provide and be successful but all Cynthia could do was nag her ass off.

Shrugging off the incident, I made my way around the backyard and greeted everyone until I came face to face with the object of my unyielding lust. I shook hands with Craig before turning my attention to Olivia. I hugged her closely, pressing my hard body against her softer one. Amber and orange blossoms assaulted my airwaves, making me dizzy with lust. I breathed her in and quickly released her to avoid suspicion. The slight lift of her right eyebrow let me know she felt the connection too.

A hand on my back broke the passion filled tether Olivia and I had. I turned and there was Cynthia’s ass with an ice cold beer in her hand, an apology. I took a sip, signaling a brief truce between us. Without a glance back at Olivia I followed Cynthia and was determined to keep my distance from Olivia for the rest of the night.

Liquor poured freely into red Solo cups, food was eaten with gusto from the grill, loud games of dominoes and spades were played around the yard, and the music continued to beat from the speakers. The sun was beginning to set but the crowd was only getting bigger. Olivia’s parents had lit Tiki torches around the yard along with strings of lights, adding to the party atmosphere. After three hours in the hot sun and nonstop drinking, I was tipsy as fuck.

I stood from my game of cards, leaned to the right, and staggered into the house. I made my way to the second floor of the house to a private restroom and was about to lock the door when it opened. There in front of me was Olivia. Damn her for finding me. She shut the door and locked it behind her. Stepping around me, she sat on the counter top and crossed those long legs.

“What?” I asked, my speech slightly slurred.

“Nothing,” she said with a shrug.

“I got to use the bathroom.”

“No one’s stopping you.”

I looked at her to see if she was serious. Determining she was, I whipped out my dick. She didn’t even blink, for some reason that pissed me off. Ignoring her presence, I used the bathroom and put away my equipment. I stood next to her and washed me hands. I turned to leave when I felt her soft hands against my back. Her hot hands incinerated my shirt and burned my skin. My breathing became labored and I gripped the door handle tightly.

“Don’t leave,” she whispered against my neck.

Those two words, the need in her voice, and the heat of her closeness shredded the last fragment of my control. I whirled around to face her and took her mouth possessively. My hands delved into her hair and her legs wrapped around my waist, snapping us together like missing puzzle pieces.

I pushed the skirt of her dress up past her thighs and I almost died seeing the caramel flesh. I pushed her back against the door and continued to assault her mouth while my hands memorized the dips and curves of her mesmerizing body. Slowly, I pushed the bodice of her dress down and watched as it slid down her body to the floor.

Encased only in a bra and panties Olivia looked enticing and inviting. Bracing her body with one arm, I stroked her softly. She moaned and arched into me, I smiled. I dipped my head and circled her nipple through the nude lace and continued to stroke her. I wanted her as hot and ready as I was. For years she had tempted me. For years she had driven me crazy with lust. She haunted my waking hours and wouldn’t let up in my dreams. I wanted, no needed, this to last.

The wetness glazed my blunt fingertips and my eyes rolled back in my head at the feel and scent. Her soft mewls of pleasure entered my ears and exploded in my brain causing my hips to jerk forward. I had to be insider her, needed to see if she felt as good as in my dreams. But first I had to taste her.

I ripped the panties from her body and felt her shiver in my arms. I lifted Olivia until her legs were wrapped around my neck and her head was a few inches below the ceiling. I was finally eye level with her sweet treasure and damn if it wasn’t the prettiest pussy I had ever seen. Pink, plump, and pulsating just the way I liked it. I brought my lips to hers and lost my natural born mind.

Juicy. Juicy, sweet, and intoxicating. That was the only way to describe her. The thick honey coated my tongue and almost sent me into diabetic shock. I had never savored anything so sweet. Some women used different flavored creams and lubricants to make their pussies taste better but Olivia’s pussy was the real deal. She had me smacking my lips and diving deeper into her sensuous waters. I knew that I would never get enough of tasting her and from the smirk on her face she knew it too.

Moans left both of us as I tasted and teased her into a climatic finish. Her legs gripped my head tightly and she pushed it further into her. Cream and nectar poured from her in gallons and I wished I could lie between her thighs forever. I knew I could taste her for eternity and never get tired of her flavor.

Soon the shivers stopped and I let her down. I ripped off my shirt and jeans and enjoyed the way her gaze devoured my frame. I worked hard to maintain my muscular stature and I had never been prouder of it than at that moment. She reached out and trailed her fingers from my defined pecs, down my washboard abs to my granite like dick. My eyes rolled back in my head and I groaned deeply when she encased me in her tight grip. I ground my teeth together and thought of any and everything to keep from cumming as she stroked me like I had stroked her.

Unable to take anymore of her passionate torture, I took a condom out of my wallet, spilling the contents in the process. I protected us and lifted her back in my arms. I sat on the toilet and let her ride me into orgasmic oblivion. Up and down she rode me. I had never been a crying man but I felt tears leave my eyes as she milked me. I wanted to roar with triumph and weep in overwhelming ecstasy. It was craziness. It was lust. It was pure, animalistic sex and I was enjoying every second.

I unhooked her bra and watched her brown sugar tipped peeks bounce. I buried my face between them and fought not to bite them. I wanted to leave my mark on her so bad but knew that I couldn’t, she wasn’t mine. I gripped her hips tightly and changed the slow rhythm to a faster one. I felt myself cumming and knew I couldn’t fight for long but I couldn’t give in without showing her I had a few tricks up my sleeve.

I wrapped her arms around my neck, placed her legs in the crook of each elbow and stood. In the middle of the spacious bathroom I fucked the shit out of Olivia. I rode her hard, I rode her fast, I rode her relentlessly. Our moans became louder and louder and a part of me feared being discovered while the other part couldn’t have cared less.

Quickly, I set her down and bent her over the counter. I smiled at her reflection in the mirror and slipped back into her dripping pussy. Those sweet juices covered me from base to tip and I wished I didn’t have that motherfucking condom on. I wanted to feel all of the sweetness on me.

“Smack my ass, daddy,” Olivia whispered.

I was more than happy to oblige. My hand connected with that fat ass, leaving red handprints in my wake. I pounded into her and repeatedly spanked that ass that had enthralled me since I saw it squeezed into a bridesmaids dress. The telltale pulsating of her pussy and the flush of her features let me know that she was about to explode. I gripped her hair tightly, making her arch into me. Her breath hitched and she bit her lower lip to keep from wailing. My hips jerked and I felt like I was coming out of my skin. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs but settled for grinding my teeth together.

My sated body slumped against hers and we lay like that for long peaceful moments. We would have stayed that way until round two if there wasn’t a knock at the door. “Marshall, are you in there?”

“Yeah, Cynthia, I’ll be out in a minute.”

“Okay, baby, I’ll meet you downstairs.”

As soon as I heard the click of her heels against the floor become fainter I slipped out of Olivia, her juices dripping from my semi-hard dick. She flipped around and gave me a small smile. We got dressed in silence, each too wrapped in our individual thoughts to look at each other. Shit had gotten out of control. I fucked Olivia in her parents’ home with Cynthia and Craig in the vicinity. I shook my head, what had I been thinking?

I slipped my shoes on and turned to leave when Olivia reached for my hand. My pulse accelerated. She leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. She placed her hands in my pockets and instinctively my body hardened. “I had fun, baby. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

I watched her leave the bathroom and I sat on the edge of the tub to wait. If we both came downstairs at the same time it would be super suspicious. From Olivia’s statement it was clear that she wanted to finish what we started in the bathroom. I didn’t know if I could do that. This was a mistake, an enjoyable one but a mistake nonetheless.

I stood and placed my hands in my pockets. My fingers brushed against something lacy and I pulled out Olivia’s panties. Mindlessly, I brought them to my nostrils and inhaled deeply. I smiled to myself. I knew I would call her, no use in fronting. I wanted to see, taste, and feel those juices again.

Leaving the bathroom, I whistled a tune only I knew the lyrics to and met Cynthia downstairs. For the rest of the night Olivia and I avoided each other but whenever we happened to catch each other’s eyes I would lick my lips. She would blush. I couldn’t wait for the next day.

From that day forward I had met with Olivia three times a week. We couldn’t get enough of each other. I knew that we had to keep this shit under wraps otherwise all hell would break loose. Lord knows what would happen if word got out that I was fucking the shit out my sister-in-law. Yeah, I said sister-in-law.

The wedding I met Olivia at was mine and Cynthia’s. Olivia had been studying abroad the entire time I dated Cynthia and my wedding day was the first time I had ever met her. She was captivatingly beautiful and I was hooked. Had I met Olivia first I wouldn’t have given Cynthia another glance. By the time I had met her I was literally on my way down the damn aisle.

Life had a way of screwing you. You thought you knew what was going to happen and then here comes this curve ball out of nowhere. Olivia and I were meant to be together but there was no way in hell I could divorce Cynthia and be with her. That would be too messy.

One might say that Olivia and I are foul as hell for sexing each other up on the regular. We were probably trifling as hell to fuck in my marital bed. I was probably the worst husband on the face of the Earth and she was the worst sister for having unprotected sex with her sister’s husband but we didn’t care. I wanted Olivia to have my baby and she wanted to carry it. We were already on the train to hell might as well make it the express train.

I was so addicted to her juicy fruit that I would do anything to have it. I had even hired Olivia to work for me just so she could be closer. Some days if we were lucky we could sneak in a little afternoon delight. I wasn’t worried about Cynthia walking in on us since she hated animals of any variety and stayed away from my business.

Diving deeper into Olivia’s waters, I pushed all thought from my mind. I still couldn’t get enough of her juicy pussy. It was amazing how wet she could get. She could soak the whole damn bed. I always had to change the sheets otherwise Cynthia would have been found out about us.

I was so focused on tasting every last drop of Olivia that I didn’t hear the bedroom door open and close. It wasn’t until I heard the piercing scream from Olivia’s mouth, the bang of the gun, and the searing heat of the bullet slicing through me that I realized something was wrong.

Ambrosia, the nectar of the Gods, coated my tongue and dripped from my lips in sticky droplets that combined with the blood pouring from shoulder. Olivia’s hysteric sobs floated into my ears along with Cynthia’s screaming. Breathing became harder to do and Cynthia applied pressure to wound.

Evil lurked in her eyes. “You better stay alive, motherfucker, I’m not done with either of you yet.”

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