My life was in shambles! Okay, maybe that was a little dramatic but my life did suck. Once again my husband was gone. He didn’t even bother giving me an excuse this time. He just got dressed and left. No goodbye, just silence. There was no need for all of that. We both knew what it was. He was going to see her. That bitch, Candy!
I shouldn’t have been surprised. My mother warned me: once a cheater, always a cheater. And Devon was nothing if consistent. He cheated on his first wife with the second and on his second wife with me. Now he was getting ready to replace me with wifey number four. Unlike the ones before me I wasn’t going to lie down and take it. I wasn’t going to cry myself to sleep at night while I waited for him to kick me out and have his accountant draw me a check.
Our prenuptial agreement stated that I was entitled to one million a year for the first five years of marriage and two million for each year after. We were on year number four. I didn’t’ care about the money. I had my own career and my family was wealthy. All I wanted was my husband and since I couldn’t have him I was going to have my revenge. Tonight I was going to show my husband that two could play his game.
Stepping into the custom slate and marble shower that could hold at least six adults, I allowed the steam and the scent of honey and hibiscus to relax me. I scrubbed and exfoliated until I was baby smooth and supple and stepped out the shower to pat the excess moisture off my skin. Massaging pure coconut oil into my chocolate frame, I stared at my reflection in the mirror as clouds of steam surrounded me.
I wasn’t a bad looking woman. I stood about 5’5”, the color of melted Belgium chocolate. My natural curls and coils reached the middle of my back and were as soft as cotton candy. My breasts and ass were of average size but my small waist made them appear bigger. Dark almond shaped eyes framed by lush lashes, a small but pert nose, high cheekbones, and full lips with deep dimples on each side gave me a sensual girl next door appeal. I always garnered a second look whenever I walked down the street. So, why didn’t my husband want me? Pushing that thought out of my mind, I prepared for my night out.
Looking into my closet, I selected a gold, brown and cream Aztec print skirt, a cream crop top, and five inch brown and gold wedges. I applied light makeup, spritzed perfume on the important spots and donned heavy gold bangles and earrings. My dark nipples and areolas were clearly visible through the thin top, just like I wanted it. I looked like a wild bohemian woman ready for sex. Scooping my clutch off the vanity top, I trotted down the stairs and into the balmy Chicago night air.
An hour later my chest rattled and shook in time with the thumping bass line blasting from the speakers. Club Lab was bumping tonight just like every night since EVERY night was ladies night. Beautiful people crammed the dance floor, simulating sex to the banging beat. I made my way to the bar and ordered a mojito, then another and another. By the time I finished my fourth drink my hips were swaying to the beat and a fire was raging in my loins. That was when I saw her.
She stood about 6’2” in her five inch heels. Her sweat slicked caramel skin gleamed as strobe lights bounced off her. Her short natural put her prominent features—big brown eyes, full lips, wide nose, strong chin—fully on display. She was exotic, an homage to the land of her ancestors. She was a siren and I couldn’t resist the call. As I made way across the crowded dance floor our eyes locked and desire set my body aflame. I had never considered myself a lesbian or even bisexual. The only interaction I had with another woman was the occasional sensual shower with my college roommate. But this woman made me want to take things to the next level. I guess you could call me try-sexual.
The way her slinky peach dress hugged her firm full breasts, skimmed over her flat stomach and rounded hips before stopping several inches above her knees had me aching to caress every inch of her. Her full lips parted in a breathtakingly beautiful smile and my nipples tightened in response as I came to stand in front of her. She smelt of warmth and comfort and sex. I wanted to bury my face in her abundant cleavage and breathe deeply. Chocolate orbs bored into my own. Electricity spiraled through my veins before settling in my clit, causing it to throb incessantly. I was in lust and from the looks of it…so was she.
She wrapped her arms around my waist and instinctively my arms came around her neck. Slowly we swayed to the music, staring into each other’s eyes and breathing each other’s air. For hours we danced in each other’s arms, hands teasing, mouths tasting, bodies communicating. No words were necessary. We both knew what this was. To speak would be to break the spell that the instantaneous lust and overconsumption of alcohol had put us under. As the DJ signaled last call, I kissed her deeply, grabbed her hand, and led her out the club.
The damp night air hit my face and the enormity of what I was about to do was as blinding as the ring on my lady’s finger. As if she sensed my hesitancy—my inner struggle—she began rubbing my back in slow circles, easing the tension. We slipped into the awaiting taxi and immediately her plush lips were on mine. Sighs of contentment tinged with anticipation escaped the both of us. In perfect coordination both of our hands reached to caress a breast and fondle a nipple. My other hand inched up her thigh, relishing the smoothness of her skin and the heat of her pussy on my fingertips.
My fingers had just begun to toy with the edges of her barely there lace panties when the taxi came to a stop. All of us were breathing heavily—the driver included. The driver waived away the fare stating that what he was witness to was payment enough. We scurried out the car and up the sidewalk. She molded the front of her body to the back of mine as I fumbled with the key. The popping of the lock was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard in my life, I swear!
As soon as we stepped into the foyer, the air crackled with anticipation, lust, temptation and the heady scent of forbidden fruit. Placing her soft hand in mine, I led her to my marital bed. Apprehension trickled down my spine but I quickly pushed it away. It was too late for backing out. The sight of her ring captured my attention and my thoughts wandered to the man who put it there. Did he love her? Did she love him? How could she when she was here with me? Pushing all thought from my mind, I grabbed her and slowly, methodically began to undress her. Soon all she stood in was a scrap of lace that rode low on her rounded hips and those sky high stilettos that made her calves and thighs appear sculpted.
My clothes joined hers on the floor. Our heavy breathing mingled in the air the scent of heated pussy. A moment then two passed as we just looked at each other before we reached for one another. Arms, lips, tongues, fingers, and legs tangled as we attempted to get closer as we fell onto the California king bed. Moans escaped my mouth as I suckled her caramel tips and she parted my dewy folds. My legs automatically wrapped around her hips and my body bucked in timed to her strokes. I felt her honey drip and mix with mine as we both got our first orgasms out of the way.
Pressing her lips to mine, our tongues dueled and danced while hands stroked and stoked the flames. She kissed her way down my body before she came face to face with my quivering desire. Her breath waved over my engorged clit and I moaned in earnest. She sucked gently on my puffy brown lips, licked up the slippery slit, and suckled my clit before plunging her stiff tongue into my dripping opening. My hips lifted off the bed on impact but her hands kept me in place. My eyes rolled back in my head and my hands fisted the down comforter as orgasm after orgasm whipped through me while she tongued my g-spot.
When she lifted her face I grabbed her kissed her soundly. Soon we were stroking again, hips grinding and pussies bumping against each other. Though I had no clue what I was doing I felt compelled to taste her, consume her the way she did me. I decided to start from the top and work my way to the bottom.
I kissed her on her neck, licking her beating pulse point. Her heaving cleavage called out to me and I buried my face in it just like I had dreamed of in the club. I licked, teased, and tasted the undersides of her breasts and areolas before finally capturing an engorged nipple between my teeth. I pushed the two soft mounds together and suckled both points before moving lower. I licked and kissed my way down her trembling stomach, tongued the tattoo that said “Reggie” on her hip, licked around her pelvis, over her supple thighs, behind bent knees and even slipped each of her pedicure toes in my mouth. Her skin felt like butter, smelt like heaven and tasted amazing.
At last I made my way back up to the juncture of her thighs. Her pussy was pretty! Perfectly manicured, glistening pink, and dripping with arousal. Before I could overthink what I was about to do I slithered my tongue out and sucked her swollen pierced clit into my mouth.
Sugar. That was all I tasted. Sugar in its purest form. God, she was sweet. The taste of her obliterated any self-doubt I had. I swam head first into her pussy and ate her like I was starving. I felt her hands grip and pull my hair but I was way past feeling pain. I was high as a kite of her taste. My heart pounded. My clit inflated. My head swam. It was madness. It was craziness. It was everything I didn’t know I wanted. The taste of her fat pussy had me creaming against the comforter without stimulation.
Just when I thought it couldn’t get any better she screamed and her pussy squirted all over my face. I should have been scared but all I could think about drinking up the sweetness. I continued to dine on her until she begged me to stop, tears pouring down her face. Even then I continued to rub my face on her sweet pussy like I owned it.
I grabbed her hand and led her limp body to the shower where we washed and played with each other until the water turned cold. Taking a few bath sheets and a bottle of coconut oil, I laid her down on the bed and oiled her magnificent body until it shone like a brand new copper penny. Then it was mine turn. Moans and groans escaped me and she massaged my body into a pliant state. Even though I was dead tired I couldn’t fall asleep without tasting her sugar walls at least one more time.
Lying back, I positioned her into a 69. Tears escaped my eyes as I tasted her sugariness while feeling her tongue on my throbbing pussy. Knowing that this may be the last time I ever tasted anything so good, I put in work! I pushed my tongue deep in her, sucked and gently bit her clit, drank her come and even tongued her fat ass. Even her ass was sweet! Just as I felt her pussy tremble against my lips for the millionth time and I was in the middle of cumming the bedroom door swung open.
“What the fuck is this?!” I heard my husband scream.
My lover quickly jumped off me. “Reggie?” she whispered in shock.
All eyes swung in my direction as I sat on the bed and licked lips. Damn, I thought to myself, no wonder he calls the bitch Candy.